EDITH BESSIE was born on August 2nd, 1884 at Riggs Home Ranch in Cochise County, Arizona. She died in Cochise County, Arizona on August 9th, 1885 at age 1 years 0 months 7 days and is buried in the Riggs Family Cemetery.

Location in cemetery: Row 1, headstone f ( 1 F )



Edith Bessie's father was Brannick Riggs, born on July 10th, 1828 in Marion County, Alabama. He died at his home, the Riggs Home Ranch in the Riggs Settlement, Cochise County, Arizona on July 4th, 1907 at age 78 years 11 months 25 days and is buried in the Riggs Family Cemetery.

Location in cemetery: Row 1, headstone H  ( 1 H )

Edith Bessie's mother was Mary Elizabeth (Robbins) Riggs, born on July 27th, 1838 in Franklin (near Nashville), Williamson County, Tennessee. She died at her home, the Riggs Home Ranch in the Riggs Settlement, Cochise County, Arizona on February 5th, 1935 at age 96 years 6 months 9 days and is buried in the Riggs Family Cemetery.

Location in cemetery: Row 1, headstone G  ( 1 G )

Brannick and Mary were married on July 10th, 1856 in Bastrop, Bastrop County, Texas and had eleven children. EDITH BESSIE was their eleventh child, fifth daughter.

(02 August 1884 -- 09 August 1885)

 See MARY ELIZABETH RIGGS: MY STORY for more about Edith Bessie Riggs.