(03 January 1946 -- 25 April 2017)

ROGER was born on 03 January 1946 in Tucson, Pima County, Arizona. He died in Granbury, Hood County, Texas on 25 April 2017 and is buried in the Riggs Family Cemetery.

Location in cemetery: Row 3, headstone X ( 3 X )



Roger’s father was Paul William Riggs, born 14 February 1911 in Tucson, Pima County, Arizona. He died in Pearce, Cochise County, Arizona on 21 September 1990 and is buried in the Riggs Family Cemetery ( 3 K ).

Roger’s mother was Julia Warren, born 29 April 1913 in Willcox, Cochise County, Arizona. She died at her home at the West Well Ranch in Cochise County, Arizona on 25 June 1971 and is buried in the Riggs Family Cemetery. ( 3 K )

Paul and Julia were married on 29 June 1935 in Lordsburg, Hidalgo County, New Mexico, and had one child, Roger, only son.


Roger and Carol were married on 22 September 1979 at xxxxxxxxxxxx.

CAROL was born on xx xxxxxxx xxxx in xxxxx, xxxxx.

Zzzz's father was xxxxxx xxxxx, born on xx,xx, xxxx in xxxxx. He died at xxxxxxxxxx in xxxx, xxxx County, xxxx on xxx xx, xxxx and is buried in the XXXXXX Cemetery.

Zzzz's mother was xxxxx, born on xx,xx,xxxx in xxxxx.

Zzzz's parents were married in xxxxx on xx,xx,xxxx and had xx children. Carol was their xx child, xx daughter.

Roger and Linda were married on xx Xxxxxx xxxx at xxxxxxxxxxxx.

LINDA was born on xx xxxxxxx xxxx in xxxxx, xxxxx.

Linda's father was xxxxxx xxxxx, born on xx,xx, xxxx in xxxxx. He died at xxxxxxxxxx in xxxx, xxxx County, xxxx on xxx xx, xxxx and is buried in the XXXXXX Cemetery.

Linda's mother was xxxxx, born on xx,xx,xxxx in xxxxx.

Linda's parents were married in xxxxx on xx,xx,xxxx and had xx children. Linda was their xx child, xx daughter.